Dr. med Vincent Villa (FMH)
FMH Orthopedic Surgeon, traumatologist and specialist in hip, knee, sports and osteoarthritis surgery
“I want to give surgery a more human dimension”
With extensive experience in orthopedic surgery, Dr. Villa set down his suitcases on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel in 2014. He then opened his practice, located at the Hôpital de la Providence, to receive, advise, listen to and treat his patients.
Since 2021, Dr. Villa has been consulting at the Liv Ortho Osteo-Articular Center, which he founded.
Always passionate about medicine and in love with mechanics, orthopedic surgery quickly became obvious to him. And at the age of twelve, his future career was already decided. A vocation that comes directly from his father, a rheumatologist, which he never questioned.

Professional background
– Independent orthopedic surgeon, Liv Ortho Sàrl, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Since November 2014.
– Consultant Physician, Neuchatelois-Pourtalès Hospital, Neuchâtel. Since September 2018.
– Independent orthopedic surgeon, Montbrillant Clinic, La Chaux-de-Fonds. Since 2016.
– Head of clinic in orthopedic surgery, Professor Neyret’s department, Albert Trillat center, Croix Rousse Hospital, Lyon. November 2012 – October 2014.
Assistantship in orthopedic surgery. 2007-2012.
– Assistant surgeon, Professor Simon’s department, orthopedic and trauma surgery, Saint-Joseph Saint-Luc Hospital Center, Lyon. May 2012 November 2012.
– Assistant surgeon, department of Doctor Frecon, visceral and vascular surgery, Saint Joseph Saint-Luc Hospital Center, Lyon. November 2011- May 2012.
– Assistant surgeon, department of Doctor Basso and Doctor Rubini, orthopedic surgery, Renée Sabran Hospital, Lyon. May 2011 – November 2011.
– Assistant surgeon, Professor Neyret’s department, orthopedic and sports surgery, Albert Trillat Center, Lyon Nord Hospital. November 2010 – May 2011.
-Assistant surgeon, department of Professor Berard and Professor Kohler, pediatric orthopedic surgery, Women-Mothers-Children Hospital, Bron. May 2010 – November 2010.
– Assistant surgeon, department of Professor Carret and Professor Guyen, orthopedic surgery, Édouard Herriot Hospital, Pavilion T, Lyon. November 2009 – May 2010.
– Assistant surgeon, department of Professor Moyen and Professor Fessy, orthopedic surgery and sports surgery, Lyon Sud Hospital. May 2009 – November 2009.
– Assistant surgeon, department of Professor Moyen and Professor Fessy, trauma emergencies, Lyon Sud Hospital. November 2008 – May 2009.
– Assistant surgeon, department of Doctor Jolivert, orthopedic and trauma surgery, Romans Hospital. May 2008 – November 2008.
– Assistant surgeon, department of Doctor Mignot, orthopedic and trauma surgery, Valence Hospital. November 2007 – May 2008.
– External, Hospices Civils de Lyon. 2003 – 2007.
Studies and diplomas
Recognition by the Commission of Medical Professions (MEBEKO) of the federal grade job title of the Swiss Confederation of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System. 2014.
Recognition of the Swiss Confederation's federal medical diploma. 2014.
Authorization to practice in the canton of Neuchâtel, subject to compulsory health insurance (AOS). 2014.
Qualifying Complementary Specialized Study Diploma (DESCQ) in Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery. 2013.
Interuniversity Diploma (DIU) in arthroscopy. Thesis: “Simulation of an ACL graft to the double-bundle patellar tendon with a simple strip”. Claude Bernard Lyon I University. 2013.
Doctor of Medicine thesis: “Complications of total knee prostheses”. Thesis on 2037 HLS implants. Very honorable mention and congratulations from the jury. Claude Bernard Lyon I University. 2013.
DIU of the foot and ankle. Thesis: “Algodystrophy in foot surgery”; obtained in Lyon, Claude Bernard Lyon I University. 2012.
Specialized Study Diploma (DES) in General Surgery. 2010.
Obtaining the internship competition. Surgery in Lyon. 2007.
Master I. Biological and Medical Sciences. 2007, Claude Bernard Lyon I University.
Second Cycle of Medical Studies. Faculty of Medicine, Claude Bernard Lyon I University. Externship at the Hospices Civils de Lyon. 2003-2007.
First cycle of medical studies. Faculty of Medicine, Claude Bernard Lyon I University. 2000 – 2003.
Certificate of Applied Anatomy. 2003, Faculty of Medicine of Lyon-North.
Certificate of training in team first aid activities (CFAPSE), 2003, Monaco Red Cross, Monaco.
First year medical school competition (ranked 72nd out of 680). 2000, Lyon.
Scientific societies and associations
Active member of the Albert-Trillat Association.
Member of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EFORT).
Member of the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA).
Member of the Swiss Medical Federation (FMH).
Member of the Medgate Partner Network Foundation.
Member of the Research and Study Group in Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery (GRECMIP) for minimally invasive surgery of the foot and ankle.
Treasurer of the International Association of Orthopedics Alumni of National Association (IAORANA ORTHO).
Active member of the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee surgery and Orthopedic Sport Medicine (ISAKOS).
Member of the French Arthroscopy Society (SFA).
Member of the Neuchâtel Medical Society (SNM)
Member of the French Society of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery (SOFCOT).
Dr Vincent Villa : Une Passion Transmise de Père en Fils
Issu d’une famille de médecins, le Dr Vincent Villa est dès son enfance inspiré par son père, rhumatologue, dont il admire la dévotion et l’humanité. Très jeune, il se passionne pour la mécanique du corps humain, rêvant de redonner du mouvement et de l’espoir à ceux qui en ont besoin. À l’âge de douze ans, la chirurgie orthopédique devient une vocation qui ne sera jamais remise en question.
Diplômé de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon I en 2007, il poursuit son parcours d’excellence dans les hôpitaux lyonnais. Chef de Clinique en Chirurgie Orthopédique à l’Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse sous la direction du professeur Philippe Neyret, l’un de ses mentors, il y perfectionne ses compétences. En parallèle, il travaille au sein d’un centre d’excellence de la FIFA, dédié aux sportifs de haut niveau, où il développe une expertise pointue dans la prise en charge des blessures complexes.
En 2014, il s’installe en Suisse, sur les rives du lac de Neuchâtel, où il fonde sa première consultation à l’Hôpital de la Providence. Ce lieu devient rapidement un espace où se croisent expertise technique et approche humaniste. En 2018, il ouvre le Centre Ostéo-Articulaire Liv Ortho, incarnant sa vision d’une médecine innovante et accessible. En 2020, il s’installe dans le canton de Vaud, sur la riviera Vaudoise, poursuivant son ambition de rendre la médecine toujours plus accessible.
Spécialiste de la chirurgie de la hanche et du genou, le Dr Villa privilégie les techniques mini-invasives permettant une récupération rapide et durable. Pionnier en chirurgie robotique depuis 2020, il améliore la précision des interventions et réduit les temps de récupération. Convaincu que la médecine est avant tout une relation humaine, il place l’écoute et la transparence au cœur de sa pratique.
Le Dr Vincent Villa a été récemment accrédité à Hirslanden Clinique Bois-Cerf.

Press articles by Dr. Vincent Villa (FMH)
Scientific articles by Dr. Vincent Villa (FMH)